Investing can be an intimidating topic for millennials who are just starting to think seriously about their financial futures. However, in recent years, the conversation around investing has been heating up, with experts sharing their insights on the most effective ways for this generation to grow their wealth. And with the rise of the digital age, there are more opportunities and ways to invest your money than ever before. 

In truth, investing doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Diversifying your portfolio and using robo-advisors can make investing more straightforward than you think. Let’s look at the top five investing strategies for millennials.

What Is an Investment Portfolio?

First off, what exactly is an investment portfolio? Investment portfolios are like a secret weapon for millennials who want to level up their financial game. An investment portfolio is kind of like a mixtape of different investments that can help you achieve your financial goals. Think of it like building your dream team of assets, where each investment has its own unique skills to contribute to your financial success.

Just like how every squad needs a good coach, it’s crucial to have a plan in place for managing your investments. You can manage your portfolio yourself or work with a financial (or robo) advisor to keep your investments on track. By employing effective strategies and management techniques, an investment portfolio can serve as a potent tool to increase your wealth, accomplish your financial objectives, and enhance your quality of life.

Investing Strategy #1: Dollar-Cost Averaging 

Dollar-cost averaging is a popular investing strategy for millennials. In this strategy, you invest a fixed amount of money in a particular investment on a regular schedule (often monthly or quarterly). Over time, it helps to average out the market’s ups and downs, increasing your chances of coming out ahead. A significant advantage of dollar-cost averaging is that it does not require you to have large sums of money to get started. This investing strategy can be done with very little capital.

Here’s how it works: Instead of investing a lump sum of money all at once, an investor using dollar cost averaging invests a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, such as weekly or monthly, regardless of the current market conditions. So when prices are high, the investor buys fewer shares. When they are low, the investor buys more shares.

Here is an example: Suppose you have $10,000 to invest in a particular stock. Instead of investing the entire amount at once, you invest $1,000 per month over ten months. This way, you buy more shares when prices are low and fewer when prices are high. Of course, $10,000 is just a random figure. You can certainly do it with much less. 

Dollar-cost averaging can reduce the risk of investing a large sum of money all at one time. It can also help investors to take emotions out of the investment process and stick to a disciplined investment plan. However, it’s important to note that dollar-cost averaging does not guarantee a profit or protect against losses. Investing does involve some risk. 

If you don’t feel you can raid your monthly budget to start investing, consider an easy side gig. A few hours a week doing something like paid online surveys, food delivery, or a similar side hustle can bring in some extra cash. And if you dedicate those earnings to investment strategies, you’ll consistently gain more financial security. 

Investing Strategy #2: Saving for Retirement With a 401(k)

One of the most significant investments millennials can make is retirement savings. Retirement investments can create security for the future and provide a cushion for any unexpected life events. While there are many ways to save for retirement, the most popular method for millennials is a 401(k). It not only gives you a way to save but also allows you to invest those savings for a higher payout.

A 401(k) plan allows you to contribute to your retirement account from each paycheck. In addition, many employers offer matching contributions where they also kick in a certain amount of funds to your 401(k).

Your 401(k) assets can be invested into funds such as real estate or stocks and bonds, adding to your portfolio. Over time, your contributions and investment returns can grow and compound, helping you build a substantial retirement nest egg.

A big advantage of a 401(k) retirement savings plan is tax deductibility. Any contributions you make to your 401(k) are typically tax deductible. This allows you to cut your taxable income and lessen your tax payment.

Investing Strategy #3: Investing in Index Funds

Index funds are an excellent and popular stock investing strategy for millennials. They usually have lower fees than other types of funds and are seen as a more passive investment. They are a popular choice for millennials because they offer a low-cost, maintenance-free way to invest in the stock market and achieve long-term goals. However, index fund investing can be a complicated subject. So let’s explain it in a more easy-to-understand way.

Index funds are like a basket of different stocks that you can buy as one investment. Instead of picking individual stocks, index funds let you invest in a group of stocks that represent a larger part of the market. The idea behind index funds is that by investing in a wide variety of stocks, you’re less likely to lose money if one or two of them perform poorly. 

For example, imagine you wanted to collect all the most popular items as a set. Instead of purchasing each thing separately, you could buy a package containing all the items you want. Index funds are like the total package – they already have a bunch of stocks you might want to invest in, so you don’t have to pick and choose each one individually.

Investing Strategy #4: Using Robo-Advisors

The digital age has made investing infinitely easier. One example of this is Robo-advising. This is an increasingly popular choice for millennial investors, who appreciate the convenience and low fees that robo-advisors offer. Robo-advisors are online investment platforms that use algorithms to manage your portfolio. They usually cost a fraction of what traditional financial advisors charge. 

Here are some of the key benefits of using robo-advisors:

Low Fees: Robo-advisor platforms typically charge much lower fees than traditional financial advisors. This is because they use algorithms to manage your portfolio rather than human advisors.

Convenience: Robo-advisors offer a convenient way to invest. You can open an account online, set up automatic contributions, and manage your portfolio from your computer or mobile device.

Automated Diversification: Robo-advisors typically invest your money in a diversified portfolio based on your risk tolerance and financial goals. This helps to spread your risk and can increase your returns.

Tax Efficiency: Robo advisors use tax-loss harvesting strategies to minimize your tax bill. This involves selling losing investments to offset gains and reduce your tax liability.

Transparency: Robo advisors offer transparency and visibility into your investments. At any given moment, you can see exactly what you’re invested in and how your portfolio is performing.

**Know that robo-advisors may not work for everyone. Complex financial situations can often require personalized advice that can only come from human financial advisors. Also, while robo-advisors can provide automated diversification, they may not be able to adjust to market conditions as quickly as a human could. So be sure to research and choose an advisor (human or robo) that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Investing Strategy #5: Diversify Your Portfolio

Portfolio diversification is a vital investing strategy for millennials. It involves investing in a mix of different assets to spread your risk and increase your chances of earning higher returns. Here is how diversification can be beneficial:

Spread Risk: By investing in a variety of different assets, you can spread out your risk across different sectors and industries. If one asset class or sector experiences a decline, other investments in your portfolio may still perform well, potentially offsetting the losses.

Increase Returns: Investing in a diverse range of assets can also increase your potential for higher returns. Different asset classes and sectors may perform differently at different times, and having a diverse portfolio can increase your chances of benefiting from those fluctuations.

Reduce Volatility: Diversification can help to reduce the volatility of your portfolio. Different investments have different risk and return characteristics. A well-diversified portfolio can help to smooth out the ups and downs of individual investments.

Protect Against Inflation: Investing in a variety of asset classes can also protect your portfolio against inflation. Some assets (such as commodities) tend to perform well in inflationary environments, while others (such as bonds) may not.

**It is important to note that diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against losses. Make sure to have a well-planned investment strategy that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance.

Final Thoughts

Before we close, let us give you the best advice we can: Start investing early! The power of compound interest means that the earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to grow. And with the ever-changing economy, a nest egg is now more critical than ever. For more information on investing, check out Make Money Investing for Total Beginners and The Beginner’s Guide to Investing Extra Income.