It is well-known that a college education is usually the most direct way to land the career you want. It can be a significant factor in earning a substantial salary and finding job satisfaction. However, not all degrees are created equal. Some college majors are more in demand than others. And those with a higher demand generally offer potential students more lucrative salaries. 

A surefire way of making sure each step towards your dream career is worth taking is by researching which degrees have high demands within the job market. Choosing a degree that leads to a rewarding career that you love, pays well, and is in high demand is vital to ensuring your success. It is also a sure way to find an industry that offers job security.

We searched for the best college degrees that promise great careers. By “promise,” we mean high demand and good pay. Of course, we can’t promise or guarantee that you will get hired right out of school, but choosing the right degree program can greatly help. Here are six of the best college degrees that promise great careers.

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

Computer systems and software are an integral part of our lives, making for plenty of career opportunities for software developers. In addition, as technology advances and changes, the demand for software will only increase: existing software needs to be updated accordingly, and new programs must be created to meet the needs of new hardware architectures. This makes software engineering a high-demand career.

A Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering is a highly coveted degree that offers students the opportunity to learn how to manage and design software from the ground up. It equips students with a vast arsenal of skills needed to succeed in the tech industry. They gain in-depth knowledge on topics like databases, computer architecture, and operating systems while applying mathematical concepts like algebra and calculus. It is an incredibly valuable degree that can lead to fulfilling and successful career opportunities. 

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2021 median pay for Software Developers was $109,020 per year. That equates to $52.41 per hour. Job growth from 2021-2031 is 25%, much higher than the national average.

Bachelor of Science, Healthcare Administration (BSHA)

Healthcare management is a fruitful career path with lots of room to grow! As populations age, there’s a growing demand for qualified administrators in medical facilities. 

A Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration can lead to a lucrative career in healthcare management. Students learn how to run health facilities like hospitals and clinics. And they gain the skills and knowledge required for the industry’s unique challenges. BSHA graduates can look forward to a satisfying career in business and finance within a healthcare facility.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2021 median pay for Healthcare Managers was $101,340 annually. That’s $48.72 per hour. The demand for healthcare administrators from 2021-2031 is expected to increase by 28%, which is much higher than the national average.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

A Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is the best and most direct path to becoming a Registered Nurse. With this four-year program, students can earn their degrees with a combination of general education courses and nursing theory and practice courses. Plus, BSN degrees offer hands-on experience through clinical rotations that give a detailed overview of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and more – all essential skills for a career as an RN. 

BSN programs are designed to provide students with real-life clinical experience. Students work and learn in clinical settings, helping patients and applying the knowledge they’ve learned. This gives them the skills and confidence that they’ll need when entering the nursing profession upon program completion.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2021 median pay for Registered Nurses was $77,600 annually. That equates to $37.31 per hour.

Bachelor of Science, Data Science

The field of data science is continually expanding and growing, with so much data to analyze in this digital age. Organizations know the value of having a data scientist look over their collected information; they can make sense of it in otherwise impossible ways. As a result, more and more businesses are looking for qualified data science professionals.

Earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science is an excellent way to get a career with job stability and outstanding wages. Students learn a wide range of skills that will be immensely valuable to businesses and governments in the data-driven world. These include programming, data visualization, machine learning, and more. 

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2021 median pay for Data Scientists was $100,910 annually. That equates to $48.52 per hour.The need for these professionals is expected to increase by 36% through 2031, which is much higher than the national average.

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

Pharmacy jobs are some of the highest-paid careers in the healthcare industry. Like most healthcare professions, the demand for pharmacists and pharmacy degree holders is always high. Undergraduate students interested in entering the healthcare industry have a great opportunity with a major in pharmacy. 

A Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy degree can open many doors, including high-paying positions such as pharmaceutical sales representative, pharmacy technician, and pharmaceutical consultant. In addition to generous salaries, you can feel secure knowing that jobs in the healthcare field are stable and always in demand.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2021 median pay for Pharmacists was $128,570 per year. That equates to $61.81 per hour! 

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering is an exciting field that involves the design, development, and construction of air and spacecraft. It is a constantly evolving industry with technological advances leading to increased demand for aerospace engineers. 

For those who want to work in space or employ technology on Earth, a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering can equip you to take on the most complex technical tasks. Students learn how to create new technologies for application in commercial aviation, military systems, and space, with a focus on systems engineering, structural design, navigational guidance and control systems, aerodynamics, and other areas. 

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2021 median pay for Aerospace Engineers was $122,270 annually. That equates to $58.78 per hour.

Closing Thoughts

This list offers only a fraction of the bachelor’s degrees available that promise great careers. But we hope that it helps you start looking at what path you want to choose. Be sure to check the current job market for the region that you want to work in. This can help you determine your career outlook for the foreseeable future.

It is now more convenient than ever to earn a college degree. Of course, you may wish to have the whole college campus experience. However, colleges and universities nationwide now offer online degree programs to their students. Such programs allow busy, working people to fit their studies into their already tight schedules. And they make earning a degree easier and faster than ever. 

When looking for the best program for you, be sure to choose an accredited and reputable college. Colleges that are not accredited are not taken seriously by hiring managers, so your degree will not be accepted as proof you are capable of the job. Instead, look at well-known colleges with excellent reputations.