Procrastination is a common stumbling block on the path to success. Many of us procrastinate but it doesn’t mean we have to. Procrastination can manifest itself in many ways, from putting off important tasks to constantly delaying the start of a new project. However, breaking free from this cycle is essential if we want to achieve our goals and reach our fullest potential. In this article, we will explore some strategies and techniques that can help us overcome procrastination and get things done.

What Makes Us Procrastinate?

The first step in conquering procrastination is understanding its root causes. By identifying these underlying factors, we can start to develop effective strategies to combat them. Take some time to introspect and analyze your patterns of procrastination. Make a procrastination journal – each time you find yourself putting something off, jot down what it is and why you don’t feel like doing it right away. This can help you become self-aware of what is making you procrastinate. Here are the most common causes:

Fear of failure: The fear of not meeting our own expectations or the expectations of others can lead to avoidance of tasks. Procrastination becomes a way to protect ourselves from potential failure.

Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can be paralyzing, as the fear of not achieving flawless results can prevent us from starting or completing tasks.

Lack of motivation: When a task lacks personal meaning or interest, we may struggle to find the drive to begin or complete it.

Overwhelm: Facing a large or complex task can be overwhelming, making it difficult to know where to start. As a result, we put it off entirely.

Poor time management: Inadequate time management skills can lead to leaving tasks until the last minute, causing stress and rushed work.

Indecisiveness: Difficulty in making decisions can result in delaying actions until the “perfect” choice becomes apparent, leading to procrastination.

Distractions: Modern life offers numerous distractions, such as social media, games, or constant notifications, which can divert attention from important tasks.

Lack of clear goals: Without clear objectives or a plan in place, we can struggle to see the purpose or direction of their work, leading to procrastination.

Avoidance of discomfort: Some tasks involve discomfort or unpleasant emotions, leading us to procrastinate as a way to avoid facing those feelings.

Low self-confidence: Doubting our abilities can undermine self-belief, making it challenging to start or complete tasks.

Task aversion: Certain tasks may be inherently unenjoyable or require skills that we don’t have, leading to procrastination.

Overload or exhaustion: When feeling overwhelmed by multiple responsibilities or fatigued from overwork, we may put off tasks to alleviate stress temporarily.

Remember that procrastination is a common human behavior, and experiencing it doesn’t mean you’re lazy or lacking willpower. Identifying the specific causes that apply to you can help you address the underlying issues and find strategies to improve your productivity and time management.

How To Overcome Procrastination

To overcome procrastination, we must adopt a proactive approach and take action immediately. By committing to starting tasks as soon as possible, we can break free from the cycle of procrastination and gain momentum. However, this is easier said than done. Procrastination itself is putting off now – what we can do later. And then not doing it later either.  Here are six realistic ways to overcome procrastination and get things done.

Set Goals / Lists

Setting clear goals and writing lists are effective strategies to combat procrastination and boost productivity. When you define specific and achievable objectives, it becomes easier to stay focused and motivated. Start by breaking down large tasks into smaller, actionable steps, and then organize them into a list. This list serves as a roadmap, guiding you through your tasks one by one and providing a sense of accomplishment as you check items off. Here is an example: if your goal is to complete a research paper, your list might include tasks like: 

1) Research relevant sources

2) Create an outline

3) Write the introduction

4) Write the first body paragraph

5) Write the second body paragraph

6) Write the third body paragraph

7) Write the conclusion

8) Edit and proofread the paper.

By systematically tackling each item, you not only make the workload more manageable but also reduce the likelihood of procrastinating as you have a clear plan in place. Try making lists for any task that seems daunting. These can include cleaning the house, organizing paperwork, making phone calls, or anything that seems like a lot.


Establishing and adhering to a routine is a great trick to beat procrastination and get stuff done. The idea is to make a plan and stick to it. When we decide on specific times for different tasks, we avoid the habit of always delaying things. It’s crucial to put important and urgent tasks at the top of the list, so we don’t forget them. Following a schedule helps us build good habits and be more disciplined and consistent in our work. Start by writing a daily routine down in a notebook. Over the next few days, tweak and adjust it as needed. After you have a realistic routine. Stick by it!

Eliminate Distractions

Distractions can make it difficult to get things done. Turning off notifications on our devices and finding a quiet, dedicated workspace can significantly increase our productivity. It is also important to manage our time effectively and allocate breaks strategically. Taking short breaks can help prevent burnout and maintain a high level of focus during work sessions.

Take note of the distractions that often divert your attention from tasks. Common distractions include social media, excessive internet surfing, or constant notifications. Limiting these distractions can help you stay on track.


Celebrating milestones in overcoming procrastination is viral. It reinforces positive behavior and fosters self-motivation. Each step forward, whether it’s completing a task ahead of schedule, breaking the cycle of procrastination on a challenging project, or improving time management skills, deserves a celebration. By recognizing these milestones, we can build a sense of accomplishment and confidence. This can give us the motivation to keep going and stop procrastinating. Whether it’s treating oneself to a favorite meal, taking a well-deserved break, or engaging in a rewarding activity, celebrating becomes a powerful reminder that progress is possible and that you don’t have to be a procrastinator anymore.


Seeking support and accountability can be instrumental in overcoming procrastination. Sharing our goals and progress with others can help us stay motivated and maintain focus. Additionally, surrounding ourselves with people who have similar work ethics and values can create a positive environment that encourages growth and productivity.

If you still find that procrastination significantly impacts your life and you’re struggling to address it on your own, don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist or counselor who specializes in productivity and motivation. They can help you explore deeper underlying issues and provide guidance on how to overcome procrastination.

Closing Thoughts

Overcoming procrastination requires a shift in mindset. By addressing the cause, setting clear goals, creating a structured schedule, eliminating distractions, and celebrating we can break free from the cycle of procrastination. It is essential to develop discipline, take immediate action, and seek support to maintain momentum and stay on track. Breaking the cycle of procrastination is not easy, but with dedication and persistence, we can break the cycle and get things done.