Do you remember how it feels to walk into a room and either instantly feel relaxed or get an energy boost? Chances are that the welcoming aromas in the room had a direct influence on your well-being. That is the power of scent. Through the intricate connection between our olfactory system and emotions, smells have a unique ability to impact our psychological state and enhance our overall quality of life.

The rooms that you walk into most often are in your home. A well-fragranced living environment has the potential to uplift your spirits, promote relaxation, and enhance the overall atmosphere. It gives you a harmonious and nurturing space that supports your mental and emotional health.

In this article, we will discuss why adding fragrance to your home is beneficial, provide tips on achieving a harmonious aroma, and give you some ideas on incorporating scent into your own home. 

The Benefits of Scent in Your Home 

So, we want to elevate our home’s fragrance game but why? Here are some excellent benefits to living scent-sibly:

  • Mood Elevation and Stress Reduction – “Odors that evoke positive autobiographical memories have the potential to increase positive emotions, decrease negative mood states, disrupt cravings, and reduce physiological indices of stress,” according to some studies.
  • Nostalgia and Memories – Certain scents can trigger memories and nostalgia, fostering a sense of connection and happiness.
  • Increased Productivity: Energizing scents like peppermint or eucalyptus can boost focus and productivity. They can boost your motivation and energy.
  • Positive Impressions: Guests and visitors will perceive your home as more welcoming and appealing when it has a pleasant fragrance
  • Cognitive Function – Studies show what a large impact smells have on cognition. This means that a good-smelling home can help your brain function better.
  • Better Sleep – Odors and scents can have a major impact on our sleep quality, according to studies like this one.
  • Elevated Aesthetic: A good-smelling home often accompanies cleanliness and organization, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.
  • Anxiety Relief: Studies such as this one conclude that aromatherapy can be anxiolytic and calming.

Eliminate Bad Smells First

Before adding scents to your home, it’s important to start with a clean palette. If you don’t get rid of things that cause odor first, then you end up just trying to cover them up, and that doesn’t work. So, let’s go through your house and eliminate the bad smells first. Here are some of the most common household odors:


Cooking certain foods, especially those with strong odors like fish, onions, and garlic, can leave lingering smells in your home. Make sure to ventilate well by ensuring there is proper airflow from your kitchen to the outdoors.


An overflowing or neglected trash bin can lead to unpleasant odors from discarded food and other waste.

Dirty Laundry

Accumulated dirty laundry, especially if damp, can emit musty or stale odors.

Pet Odors

Pets, especially if not properly groomed or if their bedding isn’t cleaned regularly, can contribute to lingering odors.

Dirty Dishes

Leaving unwashed dishes in the sink or dishwasher can lead to foul smells.

Stagnant Water

Water that’s left sitting in sinks, drains, or stagnant areas can produce a musty smell.

Mold and Mildew

Humid or damp areas can foster the growth of mold and mildew, resulting in musty odors.

Cigarette Smoke

Smoking indoors can lead to lingering smoke smells that are hard to eliminate. If you smoke, take it outside.


Shoes that aren’t properly aired out or stored can develop unpleasant odors.

Furniture and Upholstery

Fabrics, cushions, and upholstery can absorb and hold onto odors over time. Steam Cleaning your furniture once a year will keep it smelling fresh.


Spoiled or expired food in the refrigerator can cause unpleasant smells to spread.

Bathroom Odors

 Inadequately cleaned bathrooms can develop odors from mildew, mold, or stagnant water.

Household Cleaners

Some cleaning products have strong scents that might linger if not properly ventilated.

Home Appliances

Appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, and garbage disposals can develop odors if not cleaned regularly.

Remember, good ventilation, regular cleaning, and proper maintenance can go a long way in preventing and eliminating many of these common household odors.

Choosing the Right Fragrance 

Now that you’ve got an odor-free home, the next step is choosing what type of aroma you want. Different fragrances evoke different emotions—flowers are energizing, while herbs are calming—so it’s important to select scents that resonate with your desired atmosphere. Here are some great charts to give you an idea of what different scents can promote:

When it comes to picking the right scent, start small. An all-over home fragrance isn’t always necessary; a subtle hint of something pleasant is often enough to create the desired atmosphere. If you’re a beginner, opt for a single fragrance that is exquisitely blended with just a few simple notes. As your nose becomes more familiar with different notes, you can then begin experimenting with layering scents to create more intriguing and captivating aromas. 

Adding Fragrance to Your Home 

There are numerous ways to add fragrance to your home, including scented candles, diffusers, reed diffusers, and even scented wax melts. Each has unique benefits and drawbacks, which is why trial and error is usually the best way to determine which one is right for you. 

Scented candles are a popular choice for many people. Unlike regular candles, scented ones emit small amounts of aromatic compounds into the air. The downside with these is that they produce smoke, which is not ideal for people with allergies. 

Diffusers are a great option if you don’t want to deal with smoke. They work by releasing scent particles into the air without any flame or smoke. They can last for several months, so you don’t have to worry about topping up your products often. Some diffusers even work through your HVAC systems filling your entire home with good smells.

Reed diffusers are a great way to scent an entire room. The reeds absorb the essential oil blend and then release the scent into the air. The advantage of reed diffusers is that they don’t require any power, so they are easy to move around the house. 

Scented wax melts are also a great way to add fragrance to smaller rooms. They don’t require power or fragrances and are usually used with an electric wax burner. 

Making Your Home Smell Great 

Now that you have eliminated the bad smells in your home and you know what your fragrance options are, it’s time to start experimenting! Here are some suggestions to get you started: 

  • Choose harmonious scents – Choose scents that complement each other. For instance, if you are using reed diffusers with lavender and rose, make sure they contrast each other, but in a subtle way. 
  • Make sure the fragrance isn’t overwhelming – The trick is to make sure the scent doesn’t overpower your room. Try to choose fragrances that linger in the background.
  • Change the scents – Don’t be afraid to change things up! You can switch up fragrances depending on the season or occasion. Go for lighter, floral scents for summer or a warm, comforting scent for winter. 
  • Experiment with different products – Don’t just stick to one type of product; mix it up and see what works best for you. 

Closing Thoughts

By treating yourself to something as simple and enjoyable as scent, you can elevate your mood and instantly improve the atmosphere in your home. Adding scent to your home can be an incredibly rewarding experience and can give your room that extra “oomph” it needs. From energizing scents to calming ones, you can have a truly unique oasis at home simply by playing around with various fragrances. Don’t be afraid to experiment, as there is no right or wrong when it comes to scent—just remember to keep it light and harmonious!