Credit is an essential aspect of our personal finances. It impacts our purchasing power and financial opportunities. Understanding credit and credit scores is essential for teenagers. In this article, we will explain what credit is and how to establish and maintain it.

What is Credit?

Credit is the ability to borrow money now with the promise to pay it back later. It’s like a financial trust-building exercise that allows you to make purchases even if you don’t have the funds at the moment.

Think of credit as a tool that can help you achieve your goals. For example, if you want to buy a car or go to college, you may need to borrow money from a bank or a lending institution. By establishing and maintaining good credit, you demonstrate to lenders that you are responsible and capable of repaying the borrowed funds.

Types of Credit

Credit cards are not the only type of credit there is. Loans and mortgages are also ways to get money now and pay it back later. Here are the three main types of credit:

Credit Cards – Credit cards are commonly used for purchases and offer a revolving line of credit. They allow you to borrow money up to a specific credit limit, and you must repay the borrowed amount within a given timeframe. There are two types of credit cards:

  • Secured credit cards need a refundable deposit as security, and often come with a spending restriction. They help build credit responsibly, as timely payments show good credit behavior. Like training wheels for finances, it’s a stepping stone to unsecured credit cards.
  • Unsecured credit cards do not need a deposit. They let you borrow money up to a set limit from the card issuer. Responsible use, like paying bills on time, builds credit history and offers more spending flexibility.

Loans – A loan is money you borrow from a bank or lender. You agree to pay it back over time, often with extra money (interest) added. It helps you afford things like school, a car, or a home, but responsible repayment is important to avoid financial trouble.

Mortgages – A mortgage is a long-term loan used to buy a home. You borrow money from a bank or lender to pay for the house, and you make regular payments, including interest, until the loan is fully repaid. If you don’t pay, the lender can take back the house.

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is like a money reputation number. It shows how well you handle borrowing and payments. When you pay bills on time and use credit smartly, your score goes up. It’s like getting a good grade in money management. A higher score makes it easier to borrow money in the future and can even make it cheaper. 

The highest credit score you can achieve is typically 850. While reaching the absolute highest score is rare, even scores in the high 700s or 800s are considered excellent and can provide you with the best borrowing terms and opportunities. A bad credit score is generally considered to be in the range of 300 to 579. 

You can keep track of your credit score by using free websites or apps that provide updates regularly. These tools show your score, credit history, and any changes. Set up alerts for unusual activities. Reviewing your credit reports annually from three major credit bureaus also helps ensure accuracy. By staying informed, you can make informed financial decisions and work towards a healthier credit score.

The Importance of Good Credit

Now that you know what credit is, the types there are, and what a credit score is, let’s look at why good credit is so important:

  • Lower Interest Rates: A strong credit score means you’ll qualify for lower interest rates on loans and credit cards, saving you money in the long run.
  • Easier Loan Approvals: Lenders are more likely to approve your loan applications when you have good credit, giving you access to necessary funds.
  • Renting a Home: Landlords often check your credit before renting to you; a good score makes you a more attractive tenant.
  • Better Credit Card Offers: With good credit, you can access credit cards with favorable terms, rewards, and benefits.
  • Employment Opportunities: Some employers check credit history during the hiring process, and a good score may enhance job prospects.
  • Utility Services: A strong credit history can make it easier to establish utility services without hefty deposits.
  • Security Deposits: When renting a car or booking a hotel, a good credit score may help you avoid or reduce security deposits.
  • Cell Phone Contracts: Cellular providers may offer better plans or even waive deposits if you have good credit.
  • Insurance Premiums: Good credit can lead to lower insurance premiums for auto, home, and other types of coverage.
  • Financial Freedom: A solid credit score provides the freedom and flexibility to make major purchases and achieve your financial goals with confidence.

What to Do if You Have No Credit

For many teenagers, having no credit is normal. To kickstart your credit journey, consider these effective strategies:

Secured Credit Cards

This type of card requires you to provide a security deposit, which then becomes your credit limit. This ensures that you can’t spend beyond your means, minimizing the risk of accumulating debt. By consistently making on-time payments, you showcase responsible credit behavior and build a positive credit history.

Credit Builder Loans

This type of loan works by borrowing a small amount of money from a lender, which is typically held in a separate account. You then make regular monthly payments, often over a short period, towards repaying the loan. Once the loan is fully repaid, you receive the total amount borrowed, minus any fees or interest. The lender reports your timely payments to the credit bureaus, helping you build a positive credit history.

Become an Authorized User

If a family member or friend with good credit is willing, get added as an authorized user on their credit card. Their responsible credit behavior can have a positive impact on your credit history. Just make sure the card issuer reports authorized user activity to the credit bureaus for it to be effective.

Credit Mistakes to Avoid

Unfortunately, financial mistakes happen, and when they do, your credit score can suffer. Here are four major credit mistakes to avoid:

  • Late Payments – Consistently making late payments can lead to negative marks on your credit report and potentially lower your credit score.
  • Maxing Out Credit Cards – Maxing out credit cards suggests high credit utilization and may impact your creditworthiness.
  • Ignoring Credit Reports – Neglecting to review your credit reports can result in missed opportunities to correct inaccuracies or detect any signs of fraud.
  • High credit utilization – Using your credit card close to its limit can negatively impact your credit score. Do your best to keep your credit utilization below 30% of your total available credit limit.


Remember, the key to maintaining good credit is to use it responsibly. This includes making on-time payments, keeping your credit usage low, and avoiding excessive debt. By doing so, you will set yourself up for a bright financial future and open doors to opportunities that may otherwise be difficult to access. So stay hopeful and start building your credit today!